Input data:
1. A
Variant Call Format (VCF) file (a simulated data set)
2. A
linkage pedigree file:
Purpose: Identify
de novo sequence mutation that may cause Crohn's disease
Run the commands step by step to see what will happen
1. Direct
by de
novo events and QC
java -jar kggseq.jar --vcf-file
examples/rare.disease.hg19.vcf --ped-file examples/rare.disease.ped.txt --out
test1 --excel --seq-qual 50 --seq-mq 20 --seq-sb -10 --gty-qual 20 --gty-dp
8 --gty-sec-pl 20 --gty-af-ref 0.05 --gty-af-het 0.25 --gty-af-alt 0.75 --genotype-filter
2. Filter
the de novo mutations where both affected and unaffected subjects have the
same heterozygous genotypes and the same ALTERNATIVE homozygous genotypes
java -jar kggseq.jar
--vcf-file examples/rare.disease.hg19.vcf --ped-file
examples/rare.disease.ped.txt --out test1 --excel --seq-qual 50
--seq-mq 20 --seq-sb -10 --gty-qual 20 --gty-dp 8 --gty-sec-pl 20
--gty-af-ref 0.05 --gty-af-het 0.25 --gty-af-alt 0.75 --genotype-filter
4, 7 --ignore-homo
3. Annotate
sequence variants by RefGenes:
java -jar kggseq.jar --vcf-file
examples/rare.disease.hg19.vcf --ped-file examples/rare.disease.ped.txt --out
test1 --excel --seq-qual 50 --seq-mq 20 --seq-sb -10 --gty-qual 20 --gty-dp
8 --gty-sec-pl 20 --gty-af-ref 0.05 --gty-af-het 0.25 --gty-af-alt 0.75 --genotype-filter
4,7 --ignore-homo --db-gene refgene --gene-feature-in 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
4. Filter
sequence variants by Common variants
java -jar kggseq.jar --vcf-file
examples/rare.disease.hg19.vcf --ped-file examples/rare.disease.ped.txt --out
test1 --excel --seq-qual 50 --seq-mq 20 --seq-sb -10 --gty-qual 20 --gty-dp
8 --gty-sec-pl 20 --gty-af-ref 0.05 --gty-af-het 0.25 --gty-af-alt 0.75 --genotype-filter
4,7 --ignore-homo --db-gene refgene --gene-feature-in 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 --db-filter
dbsnp138,ESP5400 --rare-allele-freq 0.05
5. Prioritize
sequence variants by disease-causing prediction
java -jar kggseq.jar --vcf-file
examples/rare.disease.hg19.vcf --ped-file examples/rare.disease.ped.txt --out
test1 --excel --seq-qual 50 --seq-mq 20 --seq-sb -10 --gty-qual 20 --gty-dp
8 --gty-sec-pl 20 --gty-af-ref 0.05 --gty-af-het 0.25 --gty-af-alt 0.75 --genotype-filter
4,7 --ignore-homo --db-gene refgene --gene-feature-in 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
--db-filter dbsnp138,ESP5400 --rare-allele-freq 0.05 --db-score
dbnsfp --mendel-causing-predict all --filter-nondisease-variant
6. Prioritize
sequence variants by other genomic and OMIM annotation
java -jar kggseq.jar --vcf-file
examples/rare.disease.hg19.vcf --ped-file examples/rare.disease.ped.txt --out
test1 --excel --seq-qual 50 --seq-mq 20 --seq-sb -10 --gty-qual 20 --gty-dp
8 --gty-sec-pl 20 --gty-af-ref 0.05 --gty-af-het 0.25 --gty-af-alt 0.75 --genotype-filter
4,7 --ignore-homo --db-gene refgene --gene-feature-in 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
--db-filter dbsnp138,ESP5400 --rare-allele-freq 0.05 --db-score dbnsfp
--mendel-causing-predict all --filter-nondisease-variant --genome-annot
7. Prioritize
sequence variants by candidate genes with protein interaction
java -jar kggseq.jar --vcf-file
examples/rare.disease.hg19.vcf --ped-file examples/rare.disease.ped.txt --out
test1 --excel --seq-qual 50 --seq-mq 20 --seq-sb -10 --gty-qual 20 --gty-dp
8 --gty-sec-pl 20 --gty-af-ref 0.05 --gty-af-het 0.25 --gty-af-alt 0.75 --genotype-filter
4,7 --ignore-homo --db-gene refgene --gene-feature-in 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
--db-filter dbsnp138,ESP5400 --rare-allele-freq 0.05 --db-score dbnsfp
--mendel-causing-predict all --filter-nondisease-variant --genome-annot
--omim-annot --candi-list ATG16L1,IL23R,IRGM --ppi-annot string
--ppi-depth 1
8. Prioritize
sequence variants by candidate genes with pathway information
java -jar kggseq.jar --vcf-file
examples/rare.disease.hg19.vcf --ped-file examples/rare.disease.ped.txt --out
test1 --excel --seq-qual 50 --seq-mq 20 --seq-sb -10 --gty-qual 20 --gty-dp
8 --gty-sec-pl 20 --gty-af-ref 0.05 --gty-af-het 0.25 --gty-af-alt 0.75 --genotype-filter
4,7 --ignore-homo --db-gene refgene --gene-feature-in 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
--db-filter dbsnp138,ESP5400 --rare-allele-freq 0.05 --db-score dbnsfp
--mendel-causing-predict all --filter-nondisease-variant --genome-annot
--omim-annot --candi-list ATG16L1,IL23R,IRGM --ppi-annot string --ppi-depth
1 --pathway-annot cura
9. Prioritize
sequence variants by PubMed
java -jar kggseq.jar --vcf-file
examples/rare.disease.hg19.vcf --ped-file examples/rare.disease.ped.txt --out
test1 --excel --seq-qual 50 --seq-mq 20 --seq-sb -10 --gty-qual 20 --gty-dp
8 --gty-sec-pl 20 --gty-af-ref 0.05 --gty-af-het 0.25 --gty-af-alt 0.75 --genotype-filter
4,7 --ignore-homo --db-gene refgene --gene-feature-in 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
--db-filter dbsnp138,ESP5400 --rare-allele-freq 0.05 --db-score dbnsfp
--mendel-causing-predict all --filter-nondisease-variant --genome-annot
--omim-annot --candi-list ATG16L1,IL23R,IRGM --ppi-annot string --ppi-depth
1 --pathway-annot cura --pubmed-mining Crohn\'s+disease,inflammatory+bowel+disease