Initialize Parser

CommandParser has four constructions, parameter boolean init is used to confirm whether to create initial help parameter (default: true); parameter String programName indicates the program name of the parser (default: <main class>):

  • CommandParser parser = new CommandParser()
  • CommandParser parser = new CommandParser(boolean init)
  • CommandParser parser = new CommandParser(String programName)
  • CommandParser parser = new CommandParser(boolean init, String programName)
CommandParser parser = new CommandParser(false);

Set Global Property

CommandParser has 7 globe properties:

  • parser.setProgramName(String programName)

    Set program name (default value: <main class>).

  • parser.offset(int length)

    Set offset value (default value: 0). Skip the first offset parameters of the input commands.

    # when offset = 3, the following commmands will skip the first three parameter and parse "--level 5 -t 4 -o ~/test.gz"
    bgzip compress <file> --level 5 -t 4 -o ~/test.gz
  • parser.debug(boolean enable)

    Debug mode or not (default value: false).

  • parser.usingAt(boolean enable)

    Identify @ as symbol of getting address or not (Under @ grammar, the parameter will be replaced by file content if“@file”exist.) (default value: true).

  • parser.setMaxMatchedNum(int length)

    Set the maximum number of matched command items (default value: -1). When reaching the maximum number of command items, the subsequent commands are no longer parsed, and will be regarded as the parameter value of the last matched command item.

    # when maxMatchedItems = 1, the following commmands only matched "bgzip" and following parameters, "compress <file> decompress <file>",  will be the value of "bgzip"
    bgzip compress <file> decompress <file>
  • parser.setAutoHelp(boolean enable)

    When no parameter is passed in, add --help parameter automatically or not (default value: false).

  • parser.setUsageStyle(IUsage usageStyle)

    Set the format of the document (default value: DefaultStyleUsage.UNIX_TYPE_1).

    // DefaultStyleUsage construct:
    public DefaultStyleUsage(String before, String after, String subTitle, int indent1, int indent2, int maxLength, boolean newLineAfterCommandName, String requestMark, String debugMark)

Add Command Group

CommandParser adds command group by two ways and return this group:

  • CommandGroup group = parser.addCommandGroup(String groupName)

    Add the command group named as groupName, and then return this new command group. If there exists the command group with the same name, then return the namesake.

  • CommandGroup group = parser.addCommandGroup(CommandGroup group)

    If a command group with the same name already exists in the parser, register all command items to the existing command group; otherwise, add the command group to the parser.

CommandGroup group001 = parser.addCommandGroup("Mode");
CommandGroup group002 = parser.addCommandGroup("Options");

Add Command Item

Command items can be added into the parser through command groups:

  • CommandItem item = group.register(IType type, String... commandNames)

    The main method. Set command type and command names, and then register command item.

  • CommandItem item = group.register(Class<?> tClass, String... commandNames)

    Set command type and command name, and then register command item. CommandParser can only identify two command types using this method, including VALUE (e.g. Integer.class) and ARRAY (e.g. int[].class).

  • CommandItem item = group.register(CommandItem commandItem)

    Add command item to the parser. If the namesake existing , there will be exceptions (CommandParserException).

When registered command item directly through the parser, the command item is registered into the last added command group:

  • CommandItem item = parser.register(IType type, String... commandNames)

    Set command type and command name, and then register command item.

  • CommandItem item = parser.register(IType type, String... commandNames)

    Set command type and command name, and then register command item. CommandParser can only identify two command types using this method, including VALUE (e.g. Integer.class) and ARRAY (e.g. int[].class).

  • CommandItem item = parser.register(CommandItem commandItem)

    Add command item to the parser. If the namesake existing , there will be exceptions (CommandParserException).

[!NOTE|label:Command TypeMainType.DerivedType]

The main types include IType.NONE (be passed in or not), BOOLEAN, BYTE, SHORT, INTEGER, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, STRING, FILE. Derived types include 16 types listed in input format of parameter type.

Set Properties of Command Item

After setting properties for command item, it will return a reference to this object, and this process can be achieved by chain calls. The meaning of the properties is shown in Edit Command Item.

  • CommandItem item = item.addOptions(String... options)


  • CommandItem item = item.arity(int length)

    Set the arity. Only the variable-length parameter can have access to this setting.

  • CommandItem item = item.defaultTo(String... defaultValue)

    Set the default value (using string-array as input, converted to the corresponding value according to the converter).

  • CommandItem item = item.validateWith(IValidator validator)

    Set validator for command item. Different types of command item have different validators, see details in Validator.

Command Type Validator Support Type
None, BOOLEAN Do not support validator.
BYTE, SHORT, INTEGER, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE type.validateWith(minValue, maxValue)
STRING STRING.validateWith(String... elements)
STRING.validateWith(boolean ignoreCase, final boolean indexAccess, String... elements)

Multiple qualified values are separated by spaces.
ignoreCase: whether to ignore case or not;
indexAccess: allow the use of indexes instead of specific values (0 represents the first qualified value...).
FILE FILE.validateWith(boolean checkIsExists, boolean checkIsFile, boolean checkIsDirectory)

checkIsExists: The file path must exist.
checkIsFile: The file path cannot be a folder;
checkIsDirectory: The file path must be a folder
  • CommandItem item = item.setFormat(String format)

    Set format for command item.

  • CommandItem item = item.setDescription(java.lang.String description)

    Set descriptions for command item.

group001.register(FILE.VALUE, "--compress", "-c")
        .validateWith(FILE.validateWith(true, true))
        .setDescription("Compression using parallel-bgzip (supported by CLM algorithm).");
group001.register(FILE.VALUE, "--decompress", "-d")
        .validateWith(FILE.validateWith(true, true))
        .setDescription("Decompress or recompress partial (or full) bgzip file.");
group001.register(FILE.ARRAY, "--concat")
        .validateWith(FILE.validateWith(true, true))
        .setDescription("Concatenate multiple files.");
group001.register(FILE.VALUE, "--md5")
        .validateWith(FILE.validateWith(true, true))
        .setDescription("Calculate a message-digest fingerprint (checksum) for input file.");
group001.register(FILE.VALUE, "--md5-decompress", "--md5-d")
        .validateWith(FILE.validateWith(true, true))
        .setDescription("Calculate a message-digest fingerprint (checksum) for decompressed file.");

group002.register(IType.NONE, "--help", "-help", "-h")
        .addOptions(HELP, HIDDEN);
group002.register(FILE.VALUE, "--output", "-o")
        .setDescription("Set the output file.");
group002.register(LONG.RANGE, "--range", "-r")
        .setDescription("Set the range of the file pointer.");
group002.register(INTEGER.VALUE, "--level", "-l")
        .validateWith(INTEGER.validateWith(0, 9))
        .setDescription("Compression level to use for bgzip compression.");
group002.register(INTEGER.VALUE, "--threads", "-t")
        .setDescription("Set the number of threads for parallel-bgzip compression.");

Add Command Rule

CommandParser adds a command rule by three following ways. For the meaning of different types of command rule is shown in Command Rule Type.

  • parser.addRule(String ruleType, String... commands)

    Add command rule. Available types: SYMBIOSIS or PRECONDITION.

  • parser.addRule(String ruleType, int conditionalValue, String... commands)

    Add command rule. Available types: AT_MOST, AT_LEAST, EQUAL, or MUTUAL_EXCLUSION.

  • parser.addRule(CommandRule rule)

    Add command rule.

parser.addRule(EQUAL, 1, "--md5-decompress", "--md5", "--compress", "--decompress", "--concat");
parser.addRule(MUTUAL_EXCLUSION, 1, "--md5", "--output", "--level", "--range", "--threads");
parser.addRule(MUTUAL_EXCLUSION, 1, "--md5-decompress", "--output", "--range", "--level", "--threads");
parser.addRule(MUTUAL_EXCLUSION, 1, "--concat", "--range", "--level", "--threads");

Formatted Parser

After formatting the parser according to the standard template, the parser can be dragged directly into the graphical design interface for editing and management if the parser meets the following requirements:

  • The class file is complete, and can be compiled independently;
  • Retain field package ${path};
  • The Class Access Modifier is public;
  • Contain static method public static CommandParser getParser().

CommandParserDesigner helps to compile the source code to a class file dynamically and obtains the parser object by .getParser(). Finally, the graphical interface designer will reproduces the parser based on the class member's information of the parser object.

package edu.sysu.pmglab.bgztools;

import edu.sysu.pmglab.commandParser.CommandGroup;
import edu.sysu.pmglab.commandParser.CommandOption;
import edu.sysu.pmglab.commandParser.CommandOptions;
import edu.sysu.pmglab.commandParser.CommandParser;
import edu.sysu.pmglab.commandParser.types.FILE;
import edu.sysu.pmglab.commandParser.types.INTEGER;
import edu.sysu.pmglab.commandParser.types.IType;
import edu.sysu.pmglab.commandParser.types.LONG;
import edu.sysu.pmglab.commandParser.usage.DefaultStyleUsage;
import edu.sysu.pmglab.container.File;


import static edu.sysu.pmglab.commandParser.CommandItem.HELP;
import static edu.sysu.pmglab.commandParser.CommandItem.HIDDEN;
import static edu.sysu.pmglab.commandParser.CommandRule.EQUAL;
import static edu.sysu.pmglab.commandParser.CommandRule.MUTUAL_EXCLUSION;

public class BGZToolkitParser {
     * build by: CommandParser-1.1
     * time: 2022-05-31 18:06:01
    private static final CommandParser PARSER = new CommandParser(false);

    private final CommandOptions options;
    public final CommandOption<File> compress;
    public final CommandOption<File> decompress;
    public final CommandOption<File[]> concat;
    public final CommandOption<File> md5;
    public final CommandOption<File> md5Decompress;
    public final CommandOption<?> help;
    public final CommandOption<File> output;
    public final CommandOption<long[]> range;
    public final CommandOption<Integer> level;
    public final CommandOption<Integer> threads;

    BGZToolkitParser(String... args) {
        this.options = PARSER.parse(args);
        this.compress = new CommandOption<>("--compress", this.options);
        this.decompress = new CommandOption<>("--decompress", this.options);
        this.concat = new CommandOption<>("--concat", this.options);
        this.md5 = new CommandOption<>("--md5", this.options);
        this.md5Decompress = new CommandOption<>("--md5-decompress", this.options); = new CommandOption<>("--help", this.options);
        this.output = new CommandOption<>("--output", this.options);
        this.range = new CommandOption<>("--range", this.options);
        this.level = new CommandOption<>("--level", this.options);
        this.threads = new CommandOption<>("--threads", this.options);

    public static BGZToolkitParser parse(String... args) {
        return new BGZToolkitParser(args);

    public static BGZToolkitParser parse(File argsFile) throws IOException {
        return new BGZToolkitParser(CommandParser.readFromFile(argsFile));

     * Get CommandParser
    public static CommandParser getParser() {
        return PARSER;

     * Get the usage of CommandParser
    public static String usage() {
        return PARSER.toString();

     * Get CommandOptions
    public CommandOptions getOptions() {
        return this.options;

    static {

        CommandGroup group001 = PARSER.addCommandGroup("Mode");
        group001.register(FILE.VALUE, "--compress", "-c")
                .validateWith(FILE.validateWith(true, true))
                .setDescription("Compression using parallel-bgzip (supported by CLM algorithm).");
        group001.register(FILE.VALUE, "--decompress", "-d")
                .validateWith(FILE.validateWith(true, true))
                .setDescription("Decompress or recompress partial (or full) bgzip file.");
        group001.register(FILE.ARRAY, "--concat")
                .validateWith(FILE.validateWith(true, true))
                .setDescription("Concatenate multiple files.");
        group001.register(FILE.VALUE, "--md5")
                .validateWith(FILE.validateWith(true, true))
                .setDescription("Calculate a message-digest fingerprint (checksum) for input file.");
        group001.register(FILE.VALUE, "--md5-decompress", "--md5-d")
                .validateWith(FILE.validateWith(true, true))
                .setDescription("Calculate a message-digest fingerprint (checksum) for decompressed file.");

        CommandGroup group002 = PARSER.addCommandGroup("Options");
        group002.register(IType.NONE, "--help", "-help", "-h")
                .addOptions(HELP, HIDDEN);
        group002.register(FILE.VALUE, "--output", "-o")
                .setDescription("Set the output file.");
        group002.register(LONG.RANGE, "--range", "-r")
                .setDescription("Set the range of the file pointer.");
        group002.register(INTEGER.VALUE, "--level", "-l")
                .validateWith(INTEGER.validateWith(0, 9))
                .setDescription("Compression level to use for bgzip compression.");
        group002.register(INTEGER.VALUE, "--threads", "-t")
                .setDescription("Set the number of threads for parallel-bgzip compression.");

        PARSER.addRule(EQUAL, 1, "--md5-decompress", "--md5", "--compress", "--decompress", "--concat");
        PARSER.addRule(MUTUAL_EXCLUSION, 1, "--md5", "--output", "--level", "--range", "--threads");
        PARSER.addRule(MUTUAL_EXCLUSION, 1, "--md5-decompress", "--output", "--range", "--level", "--threads");
        PARSER.addRule(MUTUAL_EXCLUSION, 1, "--concat", "--range", "--level", "--threads");
Copyright ©Liubin Zhang all right reservedLast modified time: 2022-08-26 12:33:13

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