Build GTB for MAF
The Mutation Annotation Format (MAF)) is a tab-delimited text file format that consolidates somatic mutation annotation results for all samples, allowing the SNVs and corresponding annotation information for all samples to be contained in a single file. The same mutation information is organized in the form of (chromosome, coordinate, optional alleles)
. On the command line, use the following command to build GTB archives for MAF files:
java -jar gbc.jar maf2gtb <input> [output] [options]
Use GBC to build an archive for the example file
and liftover the version of the reference genome from hg19 to hg38:# Download the data file wget -O all_QC_mutation_profile.maf # Run directly in the terminal java -jar gbc.jar maf2gtb ./all_QC_mutation_profile.maf ./all_QC_mutation_profile.hg38.gtb \ --liftover hg19ToHg38 # Run it using docker docker run -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` --rm -it -m 4g gbc \ maf2gtb ./all_QC_mutation_profile.maf ./all_QC_mutation_profile.hg38.gtb \ --liftover hg19ToHg38
Program Options
Usage: maf2gtb <input> [output] [options]
Java-API: edu.sysu.pmglab.gbc.MAF2GTB
About: Compress and build *.gtb (genotype block format) for *.maf (mutation
annotation format).
--chromosome Specify the chromosome tags file. e.g., identify 'X, chrX,
CHRX, ChrX' as '(int) 22' chromosome.
format: --chromosome <file>
--threads,-t Set the number of threads.
default: 4
format: --threads <int>
--add-meta Add the specified metas to the output file.
format: --add-meta <key>=<value> <key>=<value> ...
--field Set the field that records the cumulative number of mutations.
default: Tumor_Allele_Count
format: --field <string>
--liftover Lift over variants from one reference genome version to another
(chain files are downloaded from<version>/liftOver).
format: --liftover <string>
([hg19ToHg38/hg38ToHg19/hg18ToHg19/hg18ToHg38] (ignoreCase))
API Toolkit
The API tool for converting MAF files to GTB files is edu.sysu.pmglab.gbc.MAF2GTB and is used in the following example:
.setOutputFile(new File("./all_QC_mutation_profile.hg38.maf"))
.liftOver(RefGenomeVersion.hg19, RefGenomeVersion.hg38)